It’s only a few hours until the polls close. I am hopeful that some manner of sanity and solidarity will emerge, but not sure that even a repudiation of the current political situation will make much of a difference. But against my fears, I am buoyed by the words of the Jewish nurse who took care of the man who had just murdered 11 people. His entire message is worth reading, but his closing words, which follow demand close attention. I have been writing about love as central to flourishing for quite a while, but my words pale in comparison.

Love. That’s why I did it. Love as an action is more powerful than words, and love in the face of evil gives others hope. It demonstrates humanity. It reaffirms why we’re all here. The meaning of life is to give meaning to life, and love is the ultimate force that connects all living beings. I could care less what Robert Bowers thinks, but you, the person reading this, love is the only message I wish instill in you. If my actions mean anything, love means everything.

Ari Mahler, RN.

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