Away for a spell

I will be gone until after New Year’s day. My wife and I are taking a trip to India to celebrate dear friends’ 50th wedding anniversary. It’s too far to travel just for a few days so we are also taking a tour of the southern parts of India.

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Are You Sirious?

I don’t usually write two posts without the separation of a few days. It takes me some time to recover from the first one. But today I make an exception. Shortly after reading David Brooks’s piece, my eyes alit on the next item in the Opinion listings in the NYTimes, a [movie review]( by Frank Bruni, that told me much more than the plot. Bruni was writing about the film, “Her,” directed by Spike Jonze. Here is his quick summary. Joaquin Phoenix stars as a man in love with the operating system for his smartphone-esque device, a sexy Siri that… Read More

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Our Own “Brave New World”

One of my favorites sources for this blog, David Brooks, is back at work on the New York Times after a long hiatus to promote his latest book. His [column]( today is all about the increasing need for people to adapt to the computer in their work lives if they are to prosper in the future world that he and many see coming. > We’re living in an era of mechanized intelligence, an age in which you’re probably going to find yourself in a workplace with diagnostic systems, different algorithms and computer-driven data analysis. If you want to thrive in… Read More

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Flourish and the Search for Meaning

It is said that it takes a crisis to bring out our innermost beliefs. This appears to be happened to a whole generation of young people in the US, the milllennials. They are featured in an [opinion piece]( in today’s NYTimes Sunday Review by Emily Esfahani Smith and Jennifer L. Aaker. > Today’s young adults born after 1980, known as Generation Y or the millennial generation, are the most educated generation in American history and, like the baby boomers, one of the largest. Yet since the Great Recession of 2008, they have been having a hard time. They are facing… Read More

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